
Friday, October 20, 2017

Uru Manuka logo

The last 3 days we have been making a logo for the cluster "Uru Manuka" and I wanted to share what I created..
I used the app 'Pizap' (  for the hand print tree logos, for the tree with the roots at the bottom I used 'Free Logo Maker' (
My design process; for the hand tree I found a hand on images saved it then went into google drawing and colour over top of it then used the 'cut out' tool on pizap after that I put it on top of the white background, with the little hands I did the same process as I did with the arm/hand and then duplicated it loads of times until it looked like a tree.
For the tree logo with the roots at the bottom I used free logo maker,
Firstly I found a white circle background shape on images (available for reuse) and then put a semi circle (in shapes on the app) and eventually coloured it in light blue and then planted some clouds on the sky and finally plonked a tree that I found in shapes
(for all the texts I just used what they had on the app)
I would love some feedback on what I could improve or change!
When you reach right to the last slide of my presentaion I have put numbers on each logo, what logo is your favorie that I created for "Uru Manuka"?

My Profile

Hey everyone this is my first blog back from the holidays!
I just wanted to share what we have done, everyone had to create a logo/profile for themself and it has to describe yourself. 
I would love to have some feedback how I could improve on making it look professinal but creative? 
I used the app pizap to create this and google drawing!
I decided to use the colours black because it means mystery and power and I used the colour white because it means pure and innocence.
Check out the photos below to see what I made!